

 If you watched the NFL playoff games this weekend, you may have noticed what I noticed.  For those who didn't, here is what I thought was significant.

The football helmet that every player wears is made up of a plastic shell with padding inside to fit the players head.  Almost everyone is different.  There are different manufacturers and different types of padding with pads in slightly different places inside the helmet.  The quarterbacks and defensive captains wear a helmet with a radio receiver inserted so they can take instruction from their coaches before every play.  

If you look straight at a helmet, you will see a leather flap from the front forehead pad rolled up to the outside of the helmet under or between the facemask attachments.  On this flap, the helmet manufactures like to put their name or logo.  Many teams will demand their name be put on this flap.  

There is a rear pad by the nape of the neck which folds over the outside of the helmet.  Again, teams will demand different words on this flap.  Some use team names and some let the players choose a saying.  Some teams will have all the same words put there and others will have everyone different.  

This weekend I noticed that several teams, most in fact, had emblazoned on that back flap "BE LOVE".  I'm not sure what has prompted that.  It wasn't just the Packers with it's quarterback named Love.  It was most teams.  

Check it out on the games today.  You'll see it, I'm sure.  I know the answer to why - do you?

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