

A week ago I wrote about my confusion with doing the wash.  It had to do with Downy in the wash and more Downy in the dryer.  Well, here I am doing another load of wash and now I'm totally confused.

I told you I came to terms with adding all this Downy to make my clothes soft and sweet smelling.  The lovely aroma of Downy is captivating.  You grow to love it.  Bill Procter the candlemaker and  Jim Gamble the soap maker, both Irish immigrants, were a crafty pair to be sure. 

Now I've caught on to one of their latest tricks.  Here's the way it works.  They have this wonder-detergent that almost everyone uses, called Tide.   As I reported, they have a clothes softener with a beautiful aroma that you put into the wash and then more in the dryer.  Here's the latest.

This company has another product that leads it's industry called Fabreze.  This stuff can be sprayed anywhere there is a bad odor and, puff, the odor is gone.  Not covered up, mind you, but gone.   Amazing stuff.  Another "wonder" product.  

Why do I tell you about Fabreze?  The evil chemists at P&G have added it to Tide!!!  You heard me.  I bought a jug of Tide and, surprise, there it is.  Fabreze has been added to take the odor out of your clothes.  Don't they know I just put their Downy in the clothes because I like the smell?  What is going on here?

Luckily, I know a few ex-P&G employees.  I hope to get to the bottom of this.  My nose is confused.

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