

 For several years, I published a prayer every Wednesday; a prayer or some story about prayer or how to pray.  You can pull them all up by searching for Midweek Prayer. 

The other day I caught Mark Wahlberg on the TV promoting the app "Hallow".  It was pretty impressive.  I've had the app on my phone for a long time and refer to it once-in-a-while.  I'd like to ask you to check it out if you haven't seen it.  Some people find personal prayer difficult.  This app is full of angles with connection to angels.  (Didja like that?)  Jonathan Roumie, of The Chosen, is also promoting the app.  They each did spots during the Super Bowl.  It is now the #1 (most downloaded) free app on Apple.  (How about that?)

Okay, I know I said it was free and it is but if you want all of the content, they want $3.99/mo.  Of course, that's one-quarter the price of Netflix.  So, download the app for free and check it out.  There really is a lot of different things you can find besides prayer; help with meditation, music, explanations of the bible, sleep aids, and all that religious stuff.  

Here was Wahlberg's prayer during the Super Bowl.  Try it, you'll like it.  "Stay prayed up."

God, we take this moment just to give you thanks.  We thank you for the times we come together as a family, as friends and as a country.  Help us, Lord, especially during this [time], to grow closer to you.  Amen

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