

 "Was ist los?"   German for "What's up?"

A lot of foods are territorial in this country based on who settled the area.  In Cincinnati, we have goetta while most of the rest of the country never heard of it.  Our early German immigrants brought us that delight.  Thanks!  Oh, of course, thanks for lager beer. 

The warm weather has me focusing on grilling out.  I was doing my grocery shopping the other day and found something missing.  When I was a kid and maybe, much later than that, there were two types of specialty sausages for grilling besides hot dogs; brats and metts.  I don't find that now.  

Brats and metts are shortened names for bratwursts and mettwursts.  More gifts from the Germans. I prefer metts to brats.  

What I found out was that brats are everywhere but metts - not so much. Originally, I had the idea that brats were white and metts were reddish brown.  Not any more!  There are only brats and they are mostly reddish brown.   I couldn't find a mett at the local Kroger's. 

So what happened?  Did the name metts lose it's favor with the manufacturers?  Did the stores determine that it was an unnecessary or revolting name?  

I bought a pack of brats that looked like I remembered a mett should look.  They were good.  I can't wait to see if the name-removal has carried over to the ballpark and the Summer church festivals.  Those are the usual spots where they can be found.  

Long live the METTWURST!

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