

 Hello JUNE!

This weekend the Catholic church celebrates the feast of Corpus Christi.  "Corpus Christi" is Latin which translates to "Body of Christ."  

This is held every year...but, why the body.?  Jesus Christ is celebrated every day and every week in the Church.  Why single out the body?  

When Jesus physically left Earth, (and as we say - ascended into heaven) He left us a gift - His body (and blood) and the instruction to consider this blest bread and wine his real body and blood and to "do this in memory of me" i.e. break the blest bread with the community of believers and share the blest wine.  

Well, the central focus of the Church IS the Eucharist - Holy Communion; the reception by the faithful of the body and blood - communing with the Son of God.  It is not just a symbol of Jesus - He said over the bread, "this IS my body" and over the wine, "this IS my blood.   

This communing is done in thanksgiving of His suffering and death - done for our sake. There was no other good reason He needed allow it except for us. The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word which means "thanksgiving."  Those who receive the bread give thanks for Christ's presence in their lives.  

Have a blessed weekend.  I love you.

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