

 Is anyone annoyed by the hot Summer we've been having?  It started early and hasn't let up.  I suppose global warming has enveloped us in southwest Ohio and beyond.  Well, I kinda like it.  This is surely better than what Winter can give us.  

Of course, the transition seasons are what most people prefer.  All the seasons have something to offer and something to dread.  They come to us with a certain rhythm which is good for the psyche.  Let me live where the four seasons prevail.

If you want a real bad year, try 1816.  It is known as "the year without a summer".  This was during the 'Little Ice Age'.   Average temperatures across the globe fell between 0.7 - 1.0°F that year.  One degree overall evidently makes a big difference. Crop failures and food shortages were common across the Northern Hemisphere.  For example, the high temperature for the year in Philadelphia and Baltimore was 61°F.  A persistent dry fog plagued much of our country for many months.  

Volcanic eruptions received the major blame for that cold year.  I'm sure there were those who thought the sun god was angry with the planet.  They should have tried some extra carbon dioxide.  

So, there you have it.  The other side of the hot/cold coin - 1816 AD.  Don't complain too much about this hot weather -  the gods may hear you and change our climate again.  Smile!

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