

One week ago I wrote about the method of electing our president.  This year, it looks like just seven states will control the final result.  I meant to point something out that may not be immediately evident.  Sorry, if this is so obvious to you.  I think it may not be to everyone.

The news media, some universities and other specific organizations are into the business of polling voters with the intention of predicting election results.  You can't get away from some remark about these polls in almost every newscast.  This candidate is one or two points ahead today;  tomorrow it might be the other way.  Sometimes you might hear that one or the other has a commanding lead.  Take that with a grain of salt.  The last two presidential elections have proven how wrong that polling can be.

Based on what I have explained about the seven "swing" or "battleground" states, most of those polls are meaningless.  Those polls cover the whole country.  The whole country's vote does not elect the president.  It is the vote of the states and, at present, just the seven swing states.  If the polling covers the whole country, forget it.

So ignore the general polling results and watch for the polls in just these seven states - not lumped together, but individually.  On top of that, most newscasters will only give you polling results that fit their agenda, anyway.  Ignore the trends.  

Think for yourself.  Certainly, don't let a poll effect the way you vote.  

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