

 Oremus!  Latin for "Let us pray."  Four years of Latin in high school and I know very few words but this is one of them.  

We have several special intentions to be celebrated at mass this week.  Tuesday we memorialize St. Bernard;  today, Pope Saint Pius X, tomorrow the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saturday, the Feast of Saint Bartholomew.

Saint Bernard was a 12th century abbot and doctor of the Catholic church.  A doctor is one designated to have taught faithfully, made significant contribution to doctrine and been designated so by a papal proclamation.  Only 35 people have been so designated.  The church could use a doctor or two right now if you ask me.

Pope Saint Pius X served in the early years of the 20th century.  Most notably, he developed the original compilation of Canon Law.  Canon Law is what we call the rules of the church by which all cleric and laity are governed.

Saint Bartholomew was, of course, an Apostle of Jesus Christ.  In some writings he is referred to as Nathanael.  After the Resurrection, he traveled to India to spread the Good News.  He then headed back toward home through Asia Minor and was martyred in what we now call Armenia. 

Mary was Assumed into Heaven when her time on Earth was done.  She had an honor no other human could have; bearing the Son of God.  No one could be more special.  We always pray to God but who better to carry our prayers to him than Mary.  Say Ave Maria!  "Hail Mary" often.

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