

 My parents didn't think much of rock and roll music.   Too loud! Too harsh,!  Too fast!  You can't understand the words! The words are meaningless! 

Don't be surprised but I feel the same way about current music trends; albeit, Country music is a little bit of a throwback.  

Led Zeppelin is a British rock band that started making hits in the late 1960's.  Guitars, keyboards and drums were the guts of the group accompanying mellow vocals.  Their name alone was off-putting to the older generation of that era. 

Their metal-stringed electric guitars gave the music industry the moniker "heavy metal" band.  They were a major influence of the music world in that era. 

It's interesting to go back and actually find the words to classic rock music; I'm sometimes surprised.   Led Zeppelin's most famous product was a ballad called "Stairway to Heaven".  Great title.  It could be talking about our life.  

Actually, the song is about a woman; a rich woman who thought she could buy happiness with her money.  Like life, the song increases in volume and tempo as it goes along.  It starts mellow and ends with a flourish in the hard rock style after a great guitar solo. 

The story goes along as well - in an almost religious tenor.  The world is in peril and the women is of course disappointed.  She finally finds that even the poor have all the gold they need once they get to heaven.  

My parents would have been shocked to find this meaning to a rock song.   Maybe, I would be shocked to find meaning in some of today's music.  

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