


Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. A nice holiday. Its cool that its on a Thursday. That makes it a four day holiday for me. Too bad we couldn't schedule more holidays for Thursdays. This is a family holiday. A time to break bread together. Sharing food is basic to human relationships. Its much of what bonds children to parents. Its hard not to love someone that shares their food with you. Its much more bonding than stupid presents given at Christmas. What we've done with that holiday is a tragedy.

I'm not sure why Christmas is a national holiday. Its a religious holiday. Except for the fact that most of the retailers in the country live or die with that season of excess buying, the ACLU would have us working on that day. They are surely on the road to calling it Gift Giving Day instead of Christmas.

Martin Luther King day is a national holiday, now. Its the only holiday dedicated to a single citizen. How warped is that?

I don't mind the holidays memorializing the birth of the nation or people who have fought for and died for our country. Being a worker is honorable and very important. But, why we have a day set aside to honor the worker and not work that day escapes me.

The first day of the New Year is a good day for a holiday, I guess. Since very few are in shape to work that day, anyway, it makes sense to make it a holiday. But, with that kind of thinking, why don't we call March 18th a national holiday. That would suit me.

OK! This is my three month anniversary date of no smoking. Hooray! I'm not so obsessed with it any more. I've even avoided mentioning for a while. Am I cured?

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