


Early this year, I had a stress test that showed a heart problem. That led to an angiogram which showed the test was a false positive - nothing was wrong. I felt wronged.

UC had a good run in the NCAA basketball tournament, but were beaten by UK in a close one that they led at half time.

The Reds had a good start but quickly found their level which wasn't good. They turned in an ugly season which proved they had little pitching, a weak defense, a slow lineup, good power but no RBI guys...what a combination! Danny Graves was sent away early on. Sean Casey was traded after the season. At last, new ownership arrived in December and a ray of hope.

Suzanne quit smoking in May.

Suzanne was discovered to have kidney stones. She had five procedures between June and October to get rid of them and still has a few. A growth was found on the other kidney which was originally diagnosed as cancer but, after further review, it appears to be a benign growth. Time will tell.

My team won are softball league again for the umpteenth time. It never gets old. How sweet it is.

Bob Huggins got forced out. It was an ugly situation and the repercussions have not fully been felt yet. Poor Andy Kennedy was put in a no-win situation.

I quit smoking on August 20th.

Stacey and Scot dodged hurricanes again this year. Minor damage to their new pool area.

The Bengals had a great run. They won everything they should have won. 11-4 to date with a battle at Kansas City yet to play. They may not be all that people thought they might be a week or two ago but they are a lot better than people thought they might be a couple of months ago.

Andy and I ran the Thanksgiving day race again. Great fun it was.

Suzanne had a heart attack. A quick angioplasty with stent has fixed her up temporarily. Further tests are scheduled.

Andy Kennedy has coached his ass off. The Bearcats are way ahead of where people thought they would be. I'm afraid they are too short and too few in numbers to make much of a mark in the Big East but will probably win enough games to get into March Madness.

Amy and Jeff bought a new house and will move in shortly. Andrew is tearing up his first year basketball league. Its always the little guys who have the talent.

Lucy gets cuter every day.

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