


FM Frequency Modulation A method of communication by modulating the frequency of radio waves at a certain frequency.

AM Amplitude Modutation A method of communication by modulating the amplitude of radio waves at a certain frequency.

AM Ante Miridiem The time before noon and after midnight. Ante in Latin means before. Meridiem in Latin means the middle or noon.

PM Post Miridiem The time after noon and before midnight. Post in Latin means after.

PM Prime Meridian This is the line of longitude which passes through Greenwich, England and is by convention the line of zero degrees longitude extending from the North Pole to the South Pole. The exact opposite line is the International Date Line which is 180 degrees longitude. This line is also used as the basis for time keeping around the world. GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time.

DC Direct Current The type of electrical current that utilizes constant current movement from low to high potential energy. A battery is the common source of direct current.

AC Alternating Current The type of electrical current whose magnitude and direction varies in cycles. This type of current is commonly provided by the electric provider to your home.

AD Anno Domini This is Latin for "The year of our Lord". It means that one AD was the year that Jesus Christ was one year old and that this year his birthday would be His 2006th.

BC Before Christ The time by year before the birth of Jesus Christ. One BC was one year before the first Christmas.

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