

Of course, I'm a firm believer in the importance of team sports as athletic activity for children of all ages. I still partake. It's not hard to understand a parent being frustrated at some point during these years. That's normal. The values in team sport are not always obvious. If you are a frustrated parent, keep this in mind. If you will step back and think about it, I think you will agree. Every child needs to have the chance to play on a losing team as well as a winning team. Every child needs to play on a team in which they are near the worst player as well as one in which they are near the best on the team. Every child needs to play for a poorly skilled coach, a very good coach and several of those in between. I'm sure everyone thinks they want their child to be the best player on the best team playing for the best coach. Well, there's a lot of valuable education to be missed in a situation like that. Whatever situation your child is in while participating in team sports, one thing is for sure. It beats the hell out of a kid sitting on his ass while exercising his quick twitch thumb muscles in front of a video game.

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