

A window to the overall health of an animal is the condition of its teeth and gums. You may have seen, in movies if you're a city boy like me, a prospective buyer lifting the lips of a horse and looking at the teeth and gums. One of the first things a vet does is look at the teeth of your dog or cat. Chimpanzees smile widely to show how healthy they are.

The most common killer of aged dogs is heart or other organ failure that occurs because of the stress put on them by infected teeth and gums. And how do pets end up with bad teeth? Bad pet food. Not necessarily the cheapest pet food, either. Some pet food has a lot of sugar added. Your pet loves it. There is enough nutrition to keep it healthy. BUT, eventually the teeth rot.

There is good clinical evidence that human heart attacks are often related to infections in the mouth. The mouth just may be the most important part of your body. Take good care of it. The older you get, the more important it becomes. Avoid the sugar. Chew on bones.

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