

I'm very wary of the "economic stimulus" package that the president and congress seem hell-bent on enacting. You are all probably anxious to get that money and have thought of a number of different ways to spend it. All I can think of is, "From where is this money coming?"

The government either gets its money from taxes, borrows it or just prints it and causes the value of the dollar to go down. If it gets the money from taxes, who will pay? Me and you? Yes, one way or another. If we increase taxes on corporations who pay us our wages and determine the price of things we need, what have we gained? This trading of money with the government in the middle is bad. If it borrows the money, how is it going to pay it back? Will we borrow from Japan or China? Eventually, we have to pay.

Don't be so anxious to take money from your government. I wish they would change government checks from reading The United States of America to The People of the United States of America. Let everyone know that there are people giving you this money. Some people may wake up and realize like Pogo, that "we have met the enemy and he is us."

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