

The flight down was mostly uneventful. We did have a long layover in Atlanta and we did have to sit a little too close to the rest room on the second leg of the flight but all-in-all, it wasn't too shabby. The 'no news is good news' about Jeff, he evidently made it through the first night, made the flight less stressful. I think my wife limited the number of "happy pills" she ate to two.

We used a limo this year instead of a rental. Last year we barely fit in the big 'boat' of a car we rented. We got to the house about six and, after quick survey, headed for the store for provisions. Mostly we stocked up on liquid refreshments and snacks to go with it.

Stacey and Ben were waiting for us when we got back from the Publix store. We opened a bottle of wine and ordered in. The kids had pizza and we had crab cakes from Hurricane Hanks. After a second bottle of wine was opened and conversation was waning, I headed for the beach with my glass full.

The sun had long set and the moon was bright overhead. I stood on the edge of the sea admiring the sparkle the moonglow gave to the waves as they rushed the beach. Several groups were partying in the sand nearby. A few couples walked hand in hand along the ocean's edge. I stayed until I got a ring on my cell phone from my frantic wife. I went back to the house and after being admonished, talked her into coming back to the beach with me. It was about 10:30 at this time.

We started toward the beach when we heard the clatter of wooden shoes on the asphalt in front of the house. It was, of course, a crab that a ventured inland after dark. Suzanne froze and refused to go a step closer to the beach. That was it for the night.

This morning I slept in until about eight. I walked the beach by myself for an hour. My friends were here.

Pelicans were fishing in pairs...diving into the ocean at breakneck speed with wings swept; spearing their prey. Laughing gulls, the ultimate scavengers, followed them looking for scraps and actually landed on their heads as they ate their breakfast. Ibis were prancing in the surf pecking for food the waves were depositing in the sand. A single cormorant stood in the wet sand with his wings outstretched to dry. In the past, I've only see these creatures perched on a dock pole or the like. The black stilty legs of a group of snowy egrets were a stark contrast to the foamy surf and their white plumage.

Sun goddesses were staking out their spots in the soft white sand. The serious ones were already sunbathing, facing away from the gulf to best catch the morning rays. Two little boys were sitting on the beach and giggled loudly as the waves rolled up to them. One young girl and her father had started a sand castle. Three octogenarians shuffled along slowly; two women and one man. That is the usual mix at that age.

For me there is nothing as inspiring as the ocean. It was very hot this morning but I loved every minute of it.

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