

Water is integral to life. Water can be liquid, solid or gas. All you need is hydrogen and oxygen. You can live a long time without food if you have water. When NASA tries to find out if there is or was life on another planet, they look for signs of water. Life as we know it cannot exist without water.

Water cleans and water nourishes. Water cools and water heats. Water lubricates and water suffocates. Water provides a home for fish, mammals and vegetation and water provides transportation. Great cities are located adjacent to water. Water can also damage, destroy and kill. Water demands respect.

The major outward sign of baptism is the pouring of water. This symbolism is a sign to us that the soul has been cleansed. Today, Milo will be reborn of water. He will wear a white garment to indicate his purity. He will be anointed with oil to show that he is a Christian. He will be given a lighted candle to show that his Christianity must be a light to others. As it is for him, so it was for us.

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