

I guess texting is a real word, now. Its a verb and it seems everyone is doing it; either by cell phone or instant messenger. The object of language is to communicate. No matter how hard it is for me to look at some of the misspellings and mutilations of the English language that I see in this form of the written word, I had better learn to live with it. You see, if it works, if it gets the job done.... you have to accept it.

Many of the 'words' we see are actually acronyms. An acronym is a 'word' formed from the first letters of a group of words. A common example would be ASAP which stands for As Soon As Possible. Other 'words' you see are just homophones. These are 'words' or letters which sound the same as other words. In this case they are chosen for brevity. Lest you think that this is all something new, look inside the cover of your high school year book or your mother's for that matter and I'm sure you will find some examples.

I was going to make a big list but that's not of much value. Actually, you can make them up as you go as long as the person you are communicating with understands.

so cul hope ur ok ttyt ur my bff ... wtf did u say?

Did I mention that you might as well turn off the spell checker?

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