

January was a typical Winter month in this area. Some days were very cold, some days were quite warm, and a little snow was sprinkled on top. Most everyone I know had some kind of sniffles during the month. February was cold and wet and icy and snowy in the Ohio Valley and I hated it. Not much significant happened in the first two months of the year. Florida had a very hot spell. March was marked by the largest snowfall (about 14") followed by the largest rainfall (about 5") that anyone around here could remember this late in the year. Shelley and Frank and family went to Cancun for spring break as usual. April was rather warm in the Ohio Valley. We went to Florida with Andy and Lucy for Joe's confirmation. New trees lined Frank and Shelley's driveway. As April turned into May, Andy, Missy and kids went to Florida for Sarah and Steve's wedding at which Andy officiated. May was very wet. We are now over 10" of rain above normal for the year. Milo was baptized to start the month of June. Jeff Ulrey was transferred to the Cleveland Clinic. Stacey ran her first race as a professional runner and broke her knee cap and her tibia. Ryan got his drivers license. We went to Anna Maria, with Frank, Shell and the kids. Stacey and Ben were there also and Scot and the other boys visited on the weekend. Andy and Missy spent a weekend in Chicago. June was a hot and wet month here. July was very hot. Amy and Jeff and the kids went to Florida and Jeff came home and changed jobs. My mom broke her hip was operated on and went into a nursing home. Sister Sharon came to town and stayed with us for 12 days. Stacey, Scot and the boys came to town for a week before going on to the lake. August was a very hot month, as well it should be. Andy and Missy ran to Chicago for a weekend and then another at Kaup's lake house. September stayed hot until all hell broke loose on the 14th when the remnants of Ike blew in. Everyone was out of power and trees were down all over the city including our pear which lain next to the bare spot where the huge evergreen had stood. Most of us in the Cincinnati area got power back by Tuesday night. Shell and Frank were out for 11 days. The rest of September had the most beautiful weather of the year. Stacey went to work after all these years. Jack and Evan and Andrew all played football while Maddy played soccer. My little Civic got dented in a parking lot and I had to go to court. October was mostly mild and dry. Shell got a new car. Maddy had her big birthday/Halloween party again. Evan got glasses and now sees the world differently. November brought very cold weather. Amy and Jeff had to replace their furnace. We had our roof replaced and trees taken down by Kenny Gallagher and company. We made grandparents day for Evan and Andrew. Stacey ran another half marathon and did a relay race across Florida. We had Thanksgiving dinner at Frank and Shell's place. My mother took off for Las Vegas and LA with Mike Martin on December 1st. December was extremely cold. Frank, Shelley and kids went to Florida over Christmas. Jeff Ulrey is back living with Steve and Debbie who moved to Norwood. The old folks went to a movie and dinner on New Years Eve...that's enough excitement for us.

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