

The Super Bowl and how we feel about it has changed over the years. Unlike most people living today, I was around for all of them. There was a time when this was the greatest day of the year for me. I started and ran for about 10 years a Super Bowl Party at our church/school. Its not so big for me any more.

The first "Super Bowl" was held in 1967 and matched the two league champions from the NFL and the AFL in the 1966 season. After four seasons, the two leagues combined for the 1970 season and the championship between the National and American Conferences of the NFL became the Super Bowl. It wasn't really called the Super Bowl until this time. One of the ironies is that the name was proposed by Lamar Hunt the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs and the Chiefs are one of the teams that have never been in the game since the leagues combined.

Another interesting quirk is that the games are noted by Roman Numerals. This year's game is XLIII (43). 'X' is 10 and 'L' is fifty - 'X' preceding the 'L' indicates minus. 'X' after the 'L' would be sixty.

Super Bowl Sunday is that day in the U.S. on which the second greatest amount of food is eaten next to Thanksgiving. Its on Sunday because all the rest of the games are on Sunday or were at one time. It would be more fun on Saturday if you asked me.

For me, it doesn't hold a candle to St. Patrick's Day!

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