

Mastery of a subject is a goal for which we should all strive. Whatever the subject, we should try to master it. Here is what I'm talking about.

When you get a new job or a new position, it takes a while for you to become proficient. I always felt that it took a full year until a new employee was very proficient at a job. The longer you work at the same job, the better you become at it. Some people pick things up more quickly than others. Some people run into a brick wall and stop learning about their job...get to a certain proficiency level and never get any better. Some people master their jobs and some never do.

Driving a car is the same way. The more we drive the better we get. We are allowed to get our license when we reach a certain proficiency level. A person needs to keep getting better at driving...we all know how dangerous new drivers are. Some get a lot better and some don't.

Playing a musical instrument is the same. After some training and practice, you can play the instrument but it takes quite a while before you really master the it.

So what is all this about? Never be satisfied. Keep learning. Be a master of whatever you do.

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