

A little background: I was born June 29, 1945 during World War II. My birth took place in Orlando, Florida because that is where my dad was stationed. Shortly after my birth, he shipped out to the Philippines. Luckily, the war in the Pacific ended before he got there.

My dad passed away in December, 2007. Shortly after, my mother gave me an envelope that she said contained a message from him. I honestly set it aside at the time and didn't open it. It was about 6 months before I remembered it and had the guts to look inside. I thought it might be creepy. The 'open in case of my death' letters in the movies usually contain some huge secret. I found the following letter in my dad's beautiful hand.

Sept. 29, 1945

Hello Pat,
Well, I suppose you feel pretty proud today. You're three months old and getting bigger and better looking each day and you've got the most wonderful Mommy on earth. Its just eight weeks since I left Mommy in your hands and told you to take care of her and from all reports you're doing a pretty good job. Just continue to keep Mommy company all the time so she doesn't have time to get lonely. I sure wish I could be home with you two. We'd really step out.
Pat, when we meet again, you probably wont know me but I'll really know you, because Mommy tells me everything you do and she sends me pictures of you too. I look at your pictures every night before I go to bed and then I ask Jesus to keep you and your Mommy safe and happy and then I crawl into my bunk and hug my pillow for awhile making believe its you and Mommy I have in my arms.
You should see this big boat were sailing on. Its real long and sticks way out of the water and when you walk on the deck you nearly fall because it sways so much. When I come home, Mommy and I are going to take you for a ride on that big boat that rides up and down the Ohio river. By that time you'll probably be able to run around the boat and ask a few questions about it and whatever answers I don't know you can ask Mommy because she's really smart. Whenever I want to know something, I always ask Mommy so you do the same.
Well, Pat I'll have to close for now because I hear chow call. Now take good care of yourself and our Mommy and give her a big hug and kiss for me.

XXXXX Love & Kisses XXXXX

Is it any wonder that they were married for 63 years when he died?

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