

Friends, we are on a road that leads to socialism. Americans do not see where the road leads because you cannot keep your eye on the road when you are constantly looking for a handout. Now the road has become so narrow that there is no way to turn around and go the other direction.

The values which created this great country and the economic mechanism that made it the most powerful in the world have been or are being set aside. We are trading in freedom for 'free' and self-determination for self-absorption. There were always people who wanted the government to do more and more things for them. With the help of the current administration, we have now reached the 'tipping point'. We are squashing capitalism as the 'greed for money' and trading it for the 'greed for free'. Hidden behind every 'free' handout is a new regulation. Freedom and 'free' do not get along. The sad reality is that 'free' is not free. Someone is paying for someone else's 'free'.

I suppose my great-grandchildren will not understand what it was like to live in my era. They will marvel that we managed to live at all. My solace is that they will not know what they are missing. Excessive government controls will not bother them, I assume, because they will know no other way of life. Government regulations controlling their every move will not phase them, I assume, because that will be the way it always was, for them.

Or maybe they WILL understand . . . maybe they'll say what idiots we were to let this happen . . . that we should have known that someone would have to pay for our lunch . . . that that someone had to be them. Please tell them it wasn't me.

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