

The one thing we should be gaining from the interminable news coverage of the effort to raise the nation's debt limit is a clearer understanding of the two parties which dominate current politics. Raising the debt limit is easy.  Abolishing our debt is the sticky part.  You can either stop spending so much money or collect more taxes or some combination of both.

Democrat party members look at themselves as the champions of the poor and disadvantaged.  They have given away huge benefits to union workers and large businesses in order to keep those segments  in their camp.  They only want to nip away at the edges of what we currently give away and pay for any shortfall by increasing income (taxes) . . . especially taxes on 'rich' people.

Republican party members look at themselves as champions of small business and non-union workers.  They want to severely reduce what we currently give away so that what we already take in will cover that expense.  They have promised no additional taxes.

Each party says they want to balance the budget; just by different methods.  Each seems to be open to changing the formula or method with which we collect taxes. 

Democrats seem to think it is unfair that rich people have a lot of money.  Republicans seem to think it is unfair that we take so much money away from those that have it and give it to those who don't. 

Do we have a debt crisis in this country?  Not necessarily.   I think we actually have enough money floating around to pay all of our debts. That is, if every citizen sent all of their money to the Federal Government, it could pay all of it's bills.  So, no crisis.  Just a bunch of rich people who won't chip in.  We wouldn't have that problem if we had a totally socialist or communist society.  Don't worry, we're headed in that direction.

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