

I've been wanting to paint my garage for about 39 years (you don't want to rush into things).  I picked the hottest weekend of the last decade to give it a try.  I spent all day Saturday moving all my "stuff" from one side of the garage to the other.  Sunday, I laid the latex to the wall board. 

During Saturday's move, I came across many things not seen in years.  Some of the things I found were interesting . . . and some sentimental.  I kept a pile of wood underneath my workbench (you never know when you'll need an odd piece of lumber).  Here is what that pile included.

I found the sideboards, very hard polished wood, to a bumper pool table that was left in the garage by the previous owners when we moved in April of 1972.  The slate was cracked so I threw most of the table away. 

I found the legs to the first picnic table I bought.  It was a redwood table purchased at Rinks in about 1970 at our previous home. 

I found a door frame which separated the family room from the dining room at one time.  That door was up during the short period we used our family room as a bedroom. 

I found stakes that I bought to make parking signs for my 50th grade school reunion held two years ago this summer.  I guess I'll just buy new ones for the 75th gala.

Now it all goes to the garbage . . . memories lost.

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