

This is a strange story.  I really don't think it is a sign of early onset dementia but you can make your own decisions in that matter.  We have a moth that lives at our house.  I think it is a moth.  It's either a moth or a buckeye butterfly.  They are closely related.  This little baby is a very quick flying insect.  It has some orange wing coloring on the top side of its wings.  It really doesn't matter because here's the story.

Moths and butterflies have a life cycle that max's out at one year.  That's as long as they ever live.  They start as caterpillars and progress to their flying stage and then die in a week or two but the absolute longest is one season.  Got all that?

We have this little creature, I'll call it a moth, that lives in front of our garage.  It sits on our cars every day.  When we park our cars in front of the garage, the Accord is on the left and the Prius is on the right.  He usually sits on the gray Honda.  It likes to sit on the edge of the roof just above the passenger window or on the rear view mirror.  It sits there for hours.  Once in a while, it will sit on the edge of the roof of the red Toyota just above the driver's window. When I walk out to get into the Prius it will fly to the roof of the garage until I leave.  Lately, he has gotten more used to me and just sits while I walk by.  I have gotten into the habit of stopping and talking to him.  When I walk between the cars to work in the yard, he just sits and stares.  Yesterday, I walked that way and ignored him.  He flew up and circled around and tried to land on my shoulder.  I flinched and he went back to the car.

Last night, when I got home from walking/jogging at Sharon Woods, I drove up the driveway and parked next to the Honda.  When I got out of the car, I picked up my clothes from the back seat which I had worn to work and my friend flew around in circles above me.  I stood still and he came and landed on the clothes I was holding.  I walked to the front door of our house holding the clothes and the moth sitting on them.  When I got to the front door I stopped and explained to the moth that I had to go inside.  After a few minutes, he flew away.

If you don't think this part of the story is strange, get this.  We had what looks like the same moth here last year.  It also liked to sit on our cars in the sun.  It can't be the same moth since they don't live that long. We must have a second generation friend.  Spooky!

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