

BHO keeps talking about "the most fortunate of us paying their fair share."  By that, he intimates that the rich are not paying enough in taxes.  Then, he throws in the totally inaccurate non-sense about Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than his secretary.  

The facts blow big holes in those claims.  According to the Government Budget Office, the top 10% of earners pay almost 70% of all income taxes collected.  So, the "most fortunate among us" already pay the bulk of the taxes.  Warren Buffet takes a very small salary.  He gets most of his income from investments which have already been taxed.  He pays very little income tax because he gets very little income.  Does BHO think that telling a lie with a straight face makes it the truth? 

Answer me this, my good president.  What is fair about almost half the people in the country not paying any taxes?    Could zero be their fair share?   Fifty percent of the people paid only 3% of all income taxes collected.  If the emperor thinks he can decide what is each person's fair share, he should make a list and include everyone on the list.  Then it will be perfectly clear to everyone that his real agenda is the total redistribution of wealth...some call it socialism and others call it communism.  Take your pick.

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