

I had lunch in one of my favorite sports bars yesterday.  They have high def TVs everywhere.  I sat at the bar and the set across from me was tuned to the National Spelling Bee.  At first I didn't pay much attention to it.  There was no sound coming from any of the TVs.  In between bites of my pizza, I looked up and saw a skinny little pre-teen sweating over a word.  I stayed with it.  Then they flashed the word on the screen and it was the damnedest combination of letters that I've ever seen.  I had no idea how to pronounce it and certainly no idea what it meant.  Then I realized it was the kid's name they had put on the screen.  Holy Shit!  No wonder those kids can spell.  Did you see their names?  The one who eventually won was Snigdha Nandipati who beat out Stuti Mishra.  They had two of the easiest names in the crowd.  All the Toms and Marys had evidently been eliminated early on.  If you ever want to see another Anglo-Saxon win that contest, I think you're going to have to start giving them harder names at birth.

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