

One of the big differences I see between the time when I grew up and today is how much in-home contact we have with outsiders.  Here are some examples.

When I was growing up, the mailman came onto our front porch six days a week.  You got to know him and he got to know you.  My mother said the mailman rang her doorbell every time she received a letter from me from overseas.  If he saw her up the street, he would tell her if she had any important mail in the box at home. 

The milkman came onto our porch to make his delivery every other week.  Monthly, the gas and electric meter reader was let into the house through the back door as was the water meter reader.  Once a month, our insurance man came to collect the insurance payments.  He sat in the living room talking to everyone for a few minutes.  We had groceries delivered periodically; that came in the back door.  The Fuller Brush man came on his regular route.

These days, it seems to me that no one ever comes to our door.  The mail is left at the street; utility meters are read outside or from the street; bills are paid over the internet; sales people are prohibited.  The guy who cuts our grass comes and goes without a word.  If we want to see someone at our door from the outside world, we order a pizza delivery. 

I think we're missing something. 

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