

Each year when the Academy Awards show comes on TV, I watch with only passing interest because I'm not familiar with most of the movies.  I actually love movies but rarely, in the last forty years, do I see many first run shows - often about one per year.  This year is different.

In Florida at Thanksgiving, I was able to catch "Skyfall" the day it opened.  It was good, better than the last several 'Bond' movies, but not exactly what I look for in 007Daniel Craig fits the rough and tumble side of the character but loses in the suave and understated humor side. Adele did a great job on the song and should win an Oscar.

On New Years Eve, Suzanne and I saw "Argo".  It stars and was directed by Ben Affleck.  He won the Golden Globe for his direction and it is a travesty that he is not nominated for the Oscar.  The show builds suspense masterfully.  His acting may not be Oscar caliber but its not far from it.

On Tuesday, I did something I hadn't done in about fifty years; I went to a movie theater by myself.  Not since my parents gave me fifty cents to walk to the Norwood Theater on a Saturday afternoon to catch a double feature and give them some 'quiet time' have I done that.  Anyway, I saw "Zero Black Thirty" and loved it. Jessica Chastain had the only major acting role in the show and did a good job.  I was mesmerized by the story though it got a little hard to follow at some points; so many location changes took place you could get lost. 

Wednesday, we saw "Silver Linings Playbook".  What a surprise.  This is not your everyday 'chick flick'.  Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence could win both best actor and actress for my money.  You can throw in Robert De Niro for best supporting actor, too.  This was my favorite.

I would recommend every one of the above.  I still have a couple to catch before the awards show.  I'll let you know what I think and make my award predictions.

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