

Here are the final six of the Apostles.

Levi, who became Matthew, was a tax collector for the Romans.  He collected money on imports and exports at his own discretion.   He was rich and hated by the Jews.  When he met Jesus, he gave up all he had and followed.  He later wrote the eye-witness gospel of the life of Jesus.  He died a martyr.

Thomas had the misfortune to be absent when Jesus first appeared to the group after His death.  He forever earned the nickname "Doubting Thomas" because he would not believe Christ had risen until he saw and touched Him.  He died a martyr.

James the Less got his name because he was so shy.  (James, the son of Zebedee, was known as James the Greater.)  Very little is known about him except that he spoke very little and shunned the spotlight.

Simon the Zealot is a mystery man.  No one is quite sure how he got his name.   He may have been a Jewish Zealot who hated the Romans and their tax collector Matthew.  In any case, very few mentions of him are in the Bible except that he is always included in the lists.  It is thought he preached in Egypt after Christ's death and was martyred in Persia.

Thaddeus or Jude is the third of the little known Apostles.  He is known as a gentle man who wrote the small but beautiful Epistle of Jude.  He died as a martyr.

Judas Iscariot was the treasurer for the group of twelve and Jesus.  He took care of their money and probably stole from them.  Of course, he betrayed Jesus for money.  He later had remorse and returned the money the elders had given him.  He took his own life.

With Judas gone, Jesus filled his spot with Saul a short time after His own death.  Saul, a Jew, was a persecutor of Christians.  He met Jesus on the road to Damascus and was blinded for three days.  Jesus opened his eyes and he was converted.  He changed his name to Paul and became the most prolific of writers and preachers in the establishment of the early Church.


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