

Two weeks ago on Saturday, I gave a brief outline of our Supreme Court as it's set up in the Constitution.  Today, I have some info on the current court.

There are only eight active members do to the death of Antonin Scalia.  BHO has nominated Merrill Garland to be his replacement but the republican-controlled Senate has refused to consider him.  They want to wait for the new President, who will take over in January, to make his/her nomination.  HRC, if elected, will probably nominate the same Mr. Garland.

Concerning the make-up of the Court consider these statistics.  When Scalia was still alive, six of the nine members were Roman Catholic and three were Jewish.  If Mr. Garland were appointed, the mix would be five Catholic and four Jews.  Though they make up the majority of the country, there is not one of Protestant faith in the group.

Consider also, that the court is made up of three women and six men.  One is in her fifties, three in their sixties, one is in his seventies, and two is their eighties.

Further, of the 203 ABA-credited law schools in the USA, only Harvard (6), Yale (3) and Columbia (1) Universities are represented by the 10 people previously referenced.

My point is:  our Supreme Court is filled with jurists who are all senior citizens with Ivy League educations who were raised with either Catholic and Jewish moral standards.  Maybe this is not a problem, I don't know.  I'm sure it says something about our country and who is in control.

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