

In the later part of World War II, the Japanese military resorted to desperate measures in an attempt to stop the Allied forces advancing on Japan and turn the tide of the war.  They enlisted pilots to fly suicide missions against high valued targets which were mainly our naval ships.  These pilots flew their planes, filled with explosives, directly into our ships.  Japanese military leaders convinced their countryman that it was the only way to win the war and save their country.  

We've all heard of these Kamikaze attacks and seen them depicted in movies or actual film taken during the war.  I really had no idea the extent of what they did.  Here is the scoop.

Kamikaze attacks by the Japanese in World War II totaled about 3,860.  Yes, 3,860 pilots died trying to crash their planes into our ships.  Only about 735 actually hit their target.  The others were shot down by our planes or ship's guns before they could do damage.

The 735 Kamikaze aircraft that hit their target did the following damage:  368 ships damaged, 47 Allied naval ships sunk including 3 Canadian victory class cargo ships, about 4,900 sailors killed and another 4,800 sailors injured.

That is an enormous amount of damage and loss of life suffered by the Allies near the end of the war. It makes the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a little more understandable.
o) o)

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