

The chameleon is one interesting little animal.  The name chameleon is applied to a lizard which comes in many colors.  Some can change their color to blend in with their current environment.  Most live in sub-Saharan Africa and Mozambique.  Of the more than 150 species of chameleons, half can be found in Tanzania.  Chameleons have two eyes and they move independently.  Both eyes work together when they are about to strike their prey.

Geckos are also lizards but can be found in most warm climates of the world.  Geckos also have distinctive eyes.  Their eyes work together but do not have eye lids.  Geckos use their tongue to lick their eyes to keep them moist.  Another difference from the chameleon is that geckos can make noises.  They chirp to communicate with their friends.  Geckos prefer to be active in darkness or low light.  They don't have the color changing ability of the chameleon to protect themselves.

Both the chameleon and the gecko are rather small creatures; less than a foot in length.  On the other hand, the Iguana is also a lizard and it can get to be as long as five or six feet.  They also have a distinguishing eye characteristic:  they have three eyes.  Yes, in the center of their head is a third eye - it looks like a pale scale - which only senses brightness.  It helps their two highly keen eyes to see well in both light and dark situations and at long distances.
Who knew?


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