

Stolen from the www.   A blond walks into a library, goes straight to the help desk and says,"I'd like a hamburger, fries and a coke."  The librarian says in a low, indignant voice, "Ma'am, this is a library." The blond muffles a giggle and mutters an "I'm Sorry " as she then leans toward the librarian and says in whisper, "I'll take a hamburger, fries and a coke."

Website of the week:  www.pointerpointer.com   It's cute.  Just move your mouse icon around the screen and wait - you'll see the pointer.

The US FDA requires calorie counts on products sold by package.  The white packet of real sugar available in restaurants is about 3 grams of granulated sucrose and is marked 11 calories per packet.  Stay with me now. The yellow packet of Splenda is 1 gram per packet and is marked 0 calories. Actually, Splenda has 3.36 calories in a packet.    The FDA allows manufacturers to round down if below 5 calories - so Splenda legally shows 0 calories per packet.  Splenda is made up of about 95% sucrose and 5% surcralose.  So, what do we have here?   Splenda is finely ground sugar in a smaller packet that shows 0 calories although it has almost the same as 100% sugar.  For this, they are able to charge about 2 1/2 times as much as sugar.

When you donate whole blood, as most people do, that blood is broken down into platelets, red cells, or plasma before it is given to a patient.  Whole blood can be donated every eight weeks.   It is possible to donate your platelets, red cells or plasma only and do it once a month.  It costs extra time for you but saves time to the patient.

Curious!  The world and our country have both a hunger and an obesity problem.


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