

. . . ungulates are hoofed mammals and that scientists classify them as even-toed (2 or 4 toes) or odd-toed (one, three or five toes)?  For instance, horses and rhinos are odd-toed while pigs, camels and giraffes are even-toed.  Who knew?

. . . I'm studying French which I find is a language that is more difficult to speak than it is to read - but it helps if you mumble?

. . . Lewis Carroll pictured Humpty Dumpty as an egg in Alice in Wonderland but no one knows for sure what the famous nursery rhyme referred to.   Fat people and large things were often called Humpty Dumpty in the 15th century.  A best guess is that it referred to a large cannon which would be positioned on a fortified wall to repel an enemy.  If one got knocked off of its position, the soldiers couldn't move it or repair it.

. . .  last Friday we set a record here with a high temperature of 71° F?  The next day we had a mini-snow blizzard albeit a short one.

. . . you would think that the internet has stimulated reading.  Not so much.  A picture tells a thousand words and so do GIF's.  Check out giphy.com as a modern way to find the news.  It's all visual.

. . . the population of Hamilton County, Ohio (Cincinnati) is greater than the population of North Dakota?

. . . the slip-up at the Academy Awards was just what I had hoped for?   I didn't watch a second of the broadcast and all the news was about one flub or another.  That other biggy was a very alive Australian director's picture being included with the "In Memoriam" collage.  Tsk!

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