

What a day to talk about faith.  Ash Wednesday.  Much of the Christian world observes the period (forty days less Sundays) leading up to Easter as Lent -  a time for repentance and preparation.  Today is the beginning of that season.  

The symbolism of ashes goes to ancient times.  It was once common for those in a repentant state to cover themselves with ashes as if they were the poorest of the poor.  It was self-humiliation.  In some Christian churches, an Ash Wednesday service includes the placing of ashes on the forehead of those present while saying  "Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return." or something similar.  

It is grounding to be reminded that we will all die - that this body in which we live will decompose to dust.  Depriving oneself of food or drink during the coming season will again remind us that there is a struggle going on between what we want and what we need - just like the struggle between evil and good.  Deprivation strengthens a person to exert self-control.  It typical prayer for this day follows:


On this special day, Ash Wednesday,
may my small sacrifices in fasting be a way to clear away
the clutter in my life to see you more clearly.
May my longing for meat and other food,
help me to focus my life today more outside myself.
Let me be aware of those who are in so much more suffering than I am
and may I be aware of them as the brothers and sisters you have placed in my life.

Lord, I know there is darkness within me and around me.
Bless these days with your Word.
Let your Light shine in the darkness.
Help me long for that Light
until we celebrate it at the Vigil six weeks from now.

And most of all Lord,
help me to honor this day with the ashes on my forehead.
They help me remember where I have come from and where I am going.
May I acknowledge to you my sins
and my deep need for your loving forgiveness and grace.
I pray that this Lenten season will make me so much more aware
of how much I need your healing in my life.

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