

. . . the Moon does not rotate?  We are always looking at the same side.  Only a few humans have seen the other side.  Now, two with deep pockets have paid Elon Musk of SpaceX to take them on a trip circling the Moon - and back to Earth.  If all goes well, they will see the other side and come back to Earth to tell us about it.  The 45-year-old Musk is the guy who co-founded Pay Pal and Tesla Motors.  His company, SpaceX, is the one that sent a rocket into space last week to resupply the space station and had the booster rocket return to Earth to land in a designated spot.  Hooray!  Keep the government out of the space business as much as possible.

. . . in an attempt to attract more 'baby boomer age' viewers, I heard that CBS is replacing "The Young & The Restless" with "The Old & The Listless"?  I may have a second career.

. . . the equator is the theoretical line circling the Earth that divides North from South.  It divides the globe in half.  We tend to think that half of the world is in the Northern Hemisphere and half is in the Southern Hemisphere.  Well, that is a little deceiving.  Most of the people of the world live in the North.  All of India is in the North.  Most of Africa is in the North.

. . . The great pyramid in Giza, Egypt is a world icon - one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.  Everyone knows it by sight.  It is the largest of all pyramids.  It was built for a Pharaoh (Egyptian King) as his tomb.  Who had it built?  It was King Khufu.  He ruled during the Fourth Dynasty and died in 2566 BC.  
Image result for the great pyramid


. . . some people are still watching the giraffe on YouTube that is supposedly in labor?  Suckers!

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