

The Baptist religion is one of the largest evangelical Christian denominations in our country.  Their primary distinctive doctrine is their belief in Baptism of Believers and their rejection of infant Baptism. Because the denomination is without a central organizational head, it is difficult to assign tenets to the whole group.  For people of my age, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Rev. Billy Graham are the most notable clerics of the religion.

The Reverend Billy Graham is 98 years young.  He publishes a daily devotional.  I copy here his words of March 19th.

"Dr. Wernher von Braun, the guiding scientist in the development of our great space rockets, has said, “The materialists of the 19th century and the Marxist heirs of the 20th tried to tell us that as science yields more knowledge about the creation, it makes us able to live without faith in a Creator. Yet so far, with every new answer we have discovered new questions.

The better we understand the intricacies of the atomic structure, the nature of life and the master plan for the galaxies, the more reason we have found to marvel at the wonder of God’s creation. But our need for God is not based on awe alone. Man needs faith just as he needs food, water, and air. With all the science in the world, we need faith in God.”

Prayer for the day: Father, man's incredible inventions are so insignificant when I contemplate Your magnificent creation. Yet, in complete dependence, I realize my need of faith in You for my smallest need."

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