

The little big city on the shores of the Ohio River has produced many a celebrity.  Here is one you may not be aware of.  Arnold Spielberg did some of his most famous work here.

You see, Arnold was a Jewish Ukrainian immigrant who settled in Cincinnati.  He married a local lady in 1945.  He went to the University of Cincinnati and graduated as an electrical engineer. Arnold first went to work for RCA and worked on early computer designs.  He recorded patents for some of his work.

Later, he went to work for General Electric.  He was on the team that designed the GE-200 series mainframe computers in the late 1950s.  (I had a computer class in engineering at UC in the early 1960s in which we learned to enter data into these huge machines on cards...that's another story.) Arnold was given the Computer Pioneer Award by the international Computer Society in 2006.

One of his other notable accomplishments was fathering a son named Steven (and three daughters).
Steven, of course, is one of the giants in movie directing.  I was going to list his famous movies but didn't have enough ink in my computer.  Steven also co-founded the very successful movie making company; DreamWorks Studios.

Steven was born here in 1946 and lived here for about 11 years.  His father, Arnold, is now 100 years old.

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