

"Ga-all-lee" said Gomer.  One of the amazing things I read this past week was about space.  The US government, by the Air Force Strategic Command, tracks over 23,000 man-made Earth-orbiting objects 24/7.  Twenty-three thousand satellites?  Holy smoke!

That sounds like a lot to me. Of course, some of those things the Air Force is tracking are just space junk - used and spent parts that will eventually slow and fall from orbit and burn up coming down.   Hopefully, the junk wont run into a functioning satellite or make it through the atmosphere and fall on my head...or yours.   But, if they do, the Air Force will know about it.  That makes me feel better.

The story in which I read this was about three Russian satellites which are suspicious.  The Russians didn't tell us about them when they sent them up.  They are very maneuverable satellites which could mean they might have a military purpose.  Not long after they got into orbit and were tested, the Russians put them to sleep - they've been orbiting for a couple of years not doing anything.  Very suspicious!  I hope we are up to the test if it ever comes to that -  it would be a new kind of war.

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