

One of the most amazing statistics is the number of musicians who have died at the age of 27.  So many that they call it the 27 Club.  One list I saw included 62 names.  What are the odds?  Here are the most recognizable names:  Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones (Rolling Stones), Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison (Doors), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Amy Winehouse.  All 27 years old.  Why Do they Do that?

Did you catch the note released in April that Cincinnati area auto service stations will no longer be required to sell 'summer blend' gasoline.  In the past, our gasoline prices in the Summer were higher here than in other parts of the country.  It was a dictate of the EPA that had to do with our average air quality.  Expensive Summer blend gasoline has a lower vapor pressure than Winter blend and is more expensive to manufacture.   The lower vapor pressure gas will not evaporate into the air as easily. Let's all take a deep breath and look at another strange story about breathing.

The Naked Mole Rat is a real animal.  You can find one in East Africa, if you're interested.  It is not only the ugliest of vermin; it has a talent no other animal has.  You assume that every living creature needs air to breathe; not quite true with the Naked Mole Rat.  If buried, it can actually slow down its metabolism to the point that it doesn't breathe and exists as if it were a plant.  How Do... he Do that?
   Image result for NAKED MOLE RATS                                                                                                                                                                         
Why isn't there a college with this baby as their mascot?

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