

Here I sit with nothing to say - not a cogent thought in my head.  I just can't believe that two creatures having the last name of Key are not related.  I must admit that a turkey does not look much like a donkey but, heck, they must be related in some way.

How long do things live?  People up to 100 years or slightly more.  Turtles have been known to live to 190 years.  Whales can live beyond 200 years, they say.  It's been reported that a bivalve mollusk was found that was 500 years old.  You think that's long?  You ain't heard nothin' yet.

There is a living creature that is generally called a glass sponge.  These things are considered animals. They live in the ocean between 1,000 and 2,000 feet below the surface.  Scientists are divergent in the estimates of their ages.  Some were found that are thought to be 23,000 years old...others 11,000 years old.  For convenience, their average age is listed at about 15,000 years.  Who knew?

This talk of "age" leads my mind to two things.  One is a line in a song from the great American Opera, "Porgy and Bess."  It goes, "Methuselah lived 900 years, Methuselah lived 900 years.  But who calls that livin' - when no women be given - to a man what was 900 years?"  Did people really live that long so many years ago?  It's in the Bible.

The other "age thought" is of the impending anniversary of my birth day.  It's a blessing to have had so many of these.  I don't know how it happened.  I didn't mean to get this old.  It was not in my plans.

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