

Sikhism is the world's fifth largest religion with 25 million adherents.  It is separate from Hinduism and Islam.  Originally rooted in northern India; the state of Punjab bordering Pakistan.  

Sikhs believe in one God, equality of all men and women, freedom of religion for all, and community service.  They have been in America for over 100 years and there number here is about 700,000. 99% of people you see wearing a turban are Sikhs.  Sikhs cover their uncut hair with the turban as a commitment to equality and justice.  In addition to letting their hair grow, they do not drink alcohol and do not eat the meat of slaughtered animals.

The word "sikh" means disciple or learner.  The three basic principles of the religion are:  meditating (praying) in the name of God;  earning a living by honest means;  sharing the fruits of ones work with others.

The Sikh religion is 500 years old.  It was founded by Guru Nanak whose principle message was love.  Here is a Sikh prayer.  Not as different as some might have expected.

Keep me, Oh Lord, under Thy shelter, by Thy grace.
I do not know how to serve thee, I the lowly and foolish.
Oh my dearest Lord, I am proud of Thee,
We, the sinners, always err and Thou art the Forgiver.
We fall into innumerable vices and Thou art the Donor of virtues to the virtueless.
Our actions consist in forsaking the Lord and enjoying the company of his maidservant maya,
Thou givest everything in Thy mercy and we are grateful,
We are absorb in Thy gift and not Thee, Oh Lord.
Nothing is outside Thee; Oh the Remover of fear of birth and death.
Says Nanak, Oh Gracious Guru, I am in Thy shelter, emancipate this fool.


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