

Flatulence or, to lower myself to your level, farts are a common occurrence in all animals.  The scientific study of flatulence is called flatology.  My mother never called them farts; they were toots; as in, "Grandpa tooted at the table again."  Many cultured people describe the phenomena as "passing gas."  

As a public service, I would like to offer the top six foods which scientists say cause flatulence in humans.  They are:  beans, corn, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage and milk.  (Never order milk with your burrito.)  Probiotics are purported to reduce the amount of one's flatulence in some people.

This passing of gas can become quite a problem and I don't mean because one could make a church pew an uncomfortable place to reside.  I'm talking about big time flatulence problems.  I'm talking about global warming - climate change.  

Some scientists say that cow flatulence is a major contributor to warming temperatures because the methane gas in the expulsion hangs in the atmosphere producing a greenhouse effect.  One study shows that a single cow produces enough methane in a year to cause the same damage as 4 tons of carbon dioxide.  

It's time we all started taking this situation more seriously.   The State of California  passed legislation in September of 2016 regulating cow flatulence.   I'm not sure if any cows have been arrested as yet but I hope, if they catch 'em, they are charged with the full weight of the law and prosecuted to the fullest.  Way to go California.


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