

Today is January 12.  The Reds' pitchers and catchers have to report to spring training camp in Goodyear, Arizona on February 13th;  the full squad reports on the 18th and the first preseason game is on the 23rd.  Baseball will be here before you know it. 

Opening Day of the regular season is on Thursday March 29, if you can believe it.  All my life they have opened on a Monday until this year. 

A new wrinkle the Reds are experimenting with this year:  Week night games in April will begin at 6:40 pm instead of the usual 7:10 pm. 

For you artists, the hot new Reds' prospect this year is named Hunter Greene.  He's just an 18 year-old youngster so you wont see him on the big club this year.  He'll have to work his way through the minors.  Some think he could be in Cincinnati in three years. 

A new player you might actually see this year is Alex Blandino.  He is an infielder who has worked his way to triple-A Louisville.

On the radio this year, you'll hear Jim Day who worked the stands and after-game shows on TV the last few years.  Day is replacing Jim Kelch whose contract was not renewed. 

Okay, I threw in this entry about the Reds, today, because the weather has been so flippin' bad and I thought the locals could use something to warm up the area. 

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