

I've been sick in bed all year.  Luckily there was a lot of football and basketball to watch on the tube.  Well, not the tube any more - there are no tubes in a flat screen.  Let's just say on the tele like our relatives do in jolly old England.  Here is some wisdom I gained by watching that idiot tube tele.  Yes there is something to be learned wherever you look.

1.)  "Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left."  - Tony Romo football announcer.

This is genius.  Swirl that around in your head for a while.  I love it.

2.)  Fifteen wrongs don't make a right unless you're Marvin Lewis.  - almost everyone said that.

This is genius.  Even Mother Teresa would have fired him but not Michael Brown.

3.)  "It's never the right time to do the wrong thing and it's never the wrong time to do the right thing."  - Lou Holtz former Notre Dame head football coach

This is genius.  No wonder he was a successful coach.

4.)  "They would score more if they made more baskets."  - ESPN announcer at UC-Temple game

This is genius.  It's so simple I assume he was a math major.

5.)  "Call off the playoffs!"   - Undefeated UCF head football coach Scott Frost after beating Auburn 13-0 in the Peach Bowl - because Auburn had beaten both teams in the playoff for National Championship.

This is genius.  Coaches pretend to their fans that the better team always wins - unless they don't.  The next day Frost left Central Florida for a new job at Nebraska.

Enough!  I'm getting better.

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