Agave. Say it like this: a gav' ee Tequila is made mostly from the blue agave plant. This succulent plant grows well in hot, arid climates. (Succulent plants hold liquid within their leaves. They could save you if lost in the desert.)
Mexican laws permit tequila to be made only in certain parts of the country near the city of Tequila. Tequila is a clear distillation usually made to a minimum of 40% alcohol in the U.S - some is sold at 50%. The most common way to drink tequila is 'neat' - no ice, no mixer, not chilled. You often see people take salt in preparation for the drink and lemon juice afterward.
One note: the process of making tequila is basically the same as making ethanol. Ethanol is that stuff they add to gasoline to cheapen the price. Just saying.
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