

I've had about enough of intoxicants - maybe you have too.  My Tuesday entries have been full of them for months. 

Here is the ultimate intoxicant.  I'm not talking about liquor.  You know there are other types of intoxicants.  This one is the aroma of a special beautiful young lady.  The bouquet that drew me to her so many years ago.  I'm not sure exactly what my wife wore when we were dating but it made me crazy.  I think it was called Aqua Net. 

Oh, I'm just kidding.  You might not believe how many girls in the early 1960s walked around with the scent of Aqua Net.  My wife was not one of them.  You see, she wore a flat top and didn't need it. Now I'm not kidding about that.  That was her hairdo when we first met.  How did we ever get together?  Mind you, it was not a guys type of flat top but - well, I can't describe it.  Yes, strawberry blonde, curly, rather short but . . . flat on top.  I wish I had a picture. 

Now, I need a real intoxicant as I await her reaction to this.

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