

John was his name.  It meant, 'favored one'.    He was about six months older than Jesus.  His parents were the aged Elizabeth and Zachariah who were relatives of Mary the mother of Jesus.   John spent his childhood and early adult life in the desert.  When it was his time, about 30 years old, he came to the city as a preacher.  He preached that the Savior was coming.  He preached that repentance of sin was the way to prepare.  John chose a ritual full-immersion washing as an outward sign of this repentance.  He called it Baptism.  This weekend we honor John the Baptist. 

He baptized many people including Jesus.  He continued to preach about repentance and preparation for the coming of the Savior.  King Herod's wife despised John and advised her daughter to ask her father for John's head.  It was delivered to her on a platter.  Jesus was advised of what had happened to John and He was careful not to interrupt the course of events which had been laid out for His own death. 

John dedicated his life to preparing himself and his followers to meet the Messiah and eventually their Maker.  You probably don't have to lose your head over it, but you best be prepared. 

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